
Saturday, November 1, 2014

November is #NaMaProMo

Why does everything pop off in November? This month is going to be insane.

First off, I convinced myself to sign up for National Novel Writing Month. Because the internet talks like an infant or a stroke victim, this is now known as NaNoWriMo. The goal is to put out 50,000 words of fiction in the 30 days of November. It's fairly nice, with an entrie online community taking part and gearing up for it. There are various events and things scattered throughout the month as well, so it will be an interesting ordeal.

Then there's National Blog Posting Month - NaBloPoMo, hosted by BlogHer. These names. 30 blog posts in the 30 days of November. Good grief. But, I do have a lot of content..and I do enjoy a challenge. So fine. I signed up for that too.

Then, it turns out, there's National Game Design Month - NaGaDeMon. My god, why? So much November. In honor of National Game Design Month, I'm attempting to finish a game design project that's been sitting on my plate for a while now.

And of course, there's also No Shave November (NoShaNo?) in which men try to raise cancer awareness by letting their beards grow out. Can I even count this one? I technically haven't had a proper shave since the last No Shave November, or before that. I'll say yes for the sake of completion.

I hereby declare that November is National Masochist Project Month (I'll coin it here #NaMaProMo). A glorious and terrible month in which people take on too damn many projects in a furious guts-and-glory bid to accomplish something or die trying.

I have 30 days to write 30 blog posts, a 300 page rulebook, and 50,000 words of fiction, in addition to a side-business I am starting.

NaMaProMo Day 1: I shall not fear. Fear is the mind killer...

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